She is every mother's dream
child--bright, loving, easy-going, and as a baby, very portable. To
this day, I describe her as "the best kid ever." We took her everywhere
with us, fancy restaurants included, and she was always content. Her
one issue--they all have at least one--was that she was not a good
sleeper. I didn't get a full night's sleep until after her 1st
birthday. I used to drive to work everyday saying, "Stay awake. Don't
close your eyes" for the entire 40 minute commute there and the 40
minutes back. It took me literally 18 months to recover from my
pregnancy and not feel like a zombie. My husband wanted to have our
kids close together, but I was so tired, I just couldn't allow that to
happen. Finally around her 2nd birthday, after having 6 months of more
sleeping through the night than not, I decided that we could try again,
because after all, I figured we were looking at at least another year
before I actually got pregnant again, and by then, I'd surely be up to
the task. But as luck would have it, I got pregnant on our first try.
happened so fast that I wasn't worried at all about a miscarriage in
the first trimester. I just thought it was so easy, we'll just try
again if it doesn't take. No big deal. At 10 weeks, we had fetus party,
but we hadn't taken any pictures of my belly. At 17 weeks, I felt
movement, but offhandedly mentioned it to my husband and my mom a couple
days later. I read the books, but a month at a time, and I couldn't
ever remember how far along I was. Every few weeks, I would get out the
calendar and count it out again. It wasn't that I wasn't excited about
having a baby--I was. Focusing on myself was just further down the
priority list. But that's often how it goes with a second pregnancy. You've got other things to focus on, like your toddler.
then at 30 weeks, we decided to postpone the viability party, as my mom
was going out of town. On viability day, a Friday, I drove to her
house to take her to the airport. I grabbed her suitcase, and she said,
"Don't you lift that. You're pregnant." To which I replied, "But
she's viable. Nothing's going to happen now." And as any good daughter
would do, I listened to her and didn't lift the suitcase. I drove her
to the airport and told her in the car that Andy and I finally settled
on a name, Miri.
days later, on Sunday afternoon, I felt a pinching or cramping as I was
driving down the highway, and that was the last feeling I had. I had
no kicking the rest of the day. We went to a play that evening, and the
loud music always made Whitney and Miri kick, but this time it didn't.
I kind of knew something was wrong and I cried that night while laying
in bed. But, my mind said "she's viable...she's fine. Probably just a
lazy sleeping day. Let's see what tomorrow brings."
Monday movement. Pushing on my sides didn't do it either. Then I
remembered that I had read in your 6th month, the heartbeat is strong
enough to hear through a stethoscope. So that afternoon, I borrowed a
stethoscope, put it to my belly, and listened. Nothing. I moved it
around and still silence. I got a little nervous, but then I put it to
my chest, and again, nothing. That was relieving...the stethoscope was
broken! So, I decided to call my OB and see if he'd let me come in for
reassurance, but the office had closed for the day. Laying in bed that
night, I was focusing really hard on trying to feel some movement. I
wasn't sure if she was moving or not. Each time I rolled over, she
tumbled around, so I felt something, but she wasn't doing anything when I
was still. Maybe our timing was just coinciding...that's what I kept
telling myself.
morning came and still nothing. I called my OB and they suggested I go
to the hospital. My daughter had a gymnastics class at 10:00, so I figured
I'd go after the class. I didn't want her to miss out on her activities,
and my mom was out-of-town and couldn't take her, and my dad had planned
on coming part way through the class to watch, and I didn't want to
cancel that either. I figured if it was good news, no problem waiting.
If it was bad news, an extra hour wouldn't change anything. Before we
left the house for the day, I packed a bag of things to keep Whitney
entertained at the hospital and then we left for the gym. She had fun
tumbling and showing off for her grandpa. Afterwards, I decided that we
should eat before going to the hospital, because who knew how long we'd
be waiting. My dad, Whitney, and I drove to McDonald's (probably--I
hate to admit it--the favorite restaurant of all three of us) and had a
nice lunch together. After lunch, my dad left to return to work and
Whitney and I went to the hospital. That was when my world collapsed.
and I walked into the hospital and were immediately sent to the labor
and delivery triage. We were taken back to a room with a broken
curtain, and I remember telling the nurse, "I don't care if it's
broken...I don't plan on being here long." I walked Whitney over to the
couch in the room, got a bunch of toys out of her bag and told her to
stay on the couch while the nurse looked at me. I hopped onto the bed
and the nurse strapped on a fetal monitor. Neither of us heard a
heartbeat. But I was still okay, because during my pregnancy with
Whitney we didn't always hear her heart on that same type of monitor.
Then the nurse left for a few minutes and when she came back, she
brought in an ultrasound machine. I thought, "Oh good. I'll get to see
her again!" I love having ultrasounds while pregnant. It's so much
fun seeing your baby instead of just feeling her. While I was waiting, I
went over to Whitney and watched her play on her iPhone which had been
generously donated by her grandma just a few weeks earlier. The nurse
returned, I got back onto the bed, and I watched the ultrasound
pictures. This was my 6th ultrasound in two pregnancies, and by now, I
could make out the black-and-white features on the screen. I saw her
arms and rib cage. And then there was her heart, all 4 chambers, but
very still. The nurse told me she would be back and called in a
technician. At this point, I knew. My fears were true. I texted my
mom and my husband and told them that it wasn't looking good. The
technician brought up the same view, and when I said, "It's not good, is
it?", she didn't respond. She told me that she wanted to call in my OB
for a look, and she sent the triage nurse out to make the phone call.
While it was just the technician, my daughter, and me in the room, I
started questioning her more. "You can't find the heartbeat, can you?"
She shook her head. I took a deep breath, and she stopped searching.
She said that they had a bigger machine to try, but the doctor would
have to do it. My triage nurse came back in and told me that I should
call my husband and have him leave work to meet me up here and they'd go
get my doctor when he arrived. It took 20 minutes for him to drive
from downtown, and during that time, Whitney climbed off the couch and
up onto the bed with me. She gave my belly a hug, just like she did
every night before she went to bed. She bent over and with the gentlest
little touch of her lips, gave it a kiss and said, "I love you baby."
And I wanted to cry, but for her sake I held it in and I gave her the
same response I had been giving her every night, "And your baby sister
loves you too." And we cuddled and waited for her daddy to come.
arrived, gave her a hug, and we alerted the nurse that she should call
in the doctor. When the doctor arrived, he said, "Oh Jenny...". We took
a look, and he confirmed that Miri was no longer alive. He told me
that if 100 patients came into the hospital without feeling the baby
kick for a day, 99 of them get sent back home happy. I asked him what
he thought happened, since I had a completely normal, healthy pregnancy
up to that point. He suggested that perhaps the cord got wound around
her neck. And he told me that if that was the case, she'd be out of
oxygen and she would have died within 45 minutes. But he said that he
wouldn't know for sure until he got her out. We then went through all
the details of what was to come. You'd think, having just learned that
your baby died, I would have been spinning, but something came over
me--a sense of calm and I was able to pay a lot of attention to details.
"How are you going to get her out? I'm too far along for a D&C
and with Whitney, my old OB made me try to deliver naturally, but after
12 hours of labor and only 1 centimeter dilated, he agreed to perform a
c-section. Am I going to have to go through all that again?" My
doctor, very compassionately said no, that since there was such a high
probability of not dilating again, he wouldn't put me through those
hours of labor and we'd just do a c-section. This time I'd get a spinal
instead of an epidural. That made me nervous, having never had that
before. I got all the details of what was going to be done, and I had
remembered that with Whitney, they gave me some extra medicine through
the epidural while on the operating table, because I hadn't sufficiently
numbed up. "What if that happens again?" I asked, because with the
spinal, it's one shot and then removed. What if I need more medicine?
They told me that they would then have to perform a second spinal in
that case. What about spinal headaches? I heard they are worse than if
you had an epidural. They assured me that modern spinal headaches are
no more common or severe than those caused by an epidural. I asked if I
could donate her cord blood, but they said no since they didn't know
exactly what happened. I showed my doctor my last scar, and explained
to him that I tend to keloid, and asked him if he could be careful while
sewing this time. I told them that I had just had lunch and I know you
can't have surgery with a full stomach. They then said they'd schedule
me for 6:30 that evening, 6 hours after lunch. I asked if I could
have time to go home and pack, since I really wasn't planning on staying
there and being 30 weeks along, it was not quite far enough to have a
bag already packed at home. He said that I couldn't leave and my
husband would have to go get everything for me. They took me into a
regular labor and delivery room and out of the triage room, and once
settled, I asked Andy to go and get my things. This is where my calm
head failed me...What did he need to pack? I asked for socks, stretchy
clothes, and some maxipads. I forgot so many things, that he had to
make two other trips the next day. I had him take Whitney while he
packed my bags, because I needed some alone time and I needed to let
people know what was happening. I called my mom, and she told me that
she was already booked on the first flight home. She'd be arriving at
8:45 in the morning on Wednesday. I called my dad and told him to come
up to the hospital after work because he'd need to take care of Whitney
while Andy and I were in the operating room. I called my grandmother
and while she offered to drop everything and be right there, I really
wanted to be alone. I made her wait about 45 minutes before coming.
And then I called my best friend to tell her the news. After that, I
was done telling people for the day. I sat, alone in my room, with my
This was the way it was meant to
be. I wasn't meant to raise her. I thought about math...I teach
statistics at a local university and I've always loved mathematics, as
it controls the world. I thought about bell curves. Most things in
nature follow a bell curve. Most of the time, you'll fall in the middle
with everyone else. But every once in a while, you'll be in the tail
end of the curve. And that's normal and expected. It doesn't happen
often, but it does happen. No one lives their entire life in the
middle. At some point, you'll end up on the fringes. And so I didn't
question "Why me?" I had my answer...this was just my time to be at the
wrong end of the curve. And that was something I could understand and
immediately accept.
But even with that
acceptance, I still felt awful. I apologized to Miri for not being able
to protect her. My womb should have been the safest place for her, and
instead, it wasn't. I knew I didn't do anything wrong. I ate a
healthy diet. I gave up raw fish and meats, I didn't drink, I limited
my caffeine, I ate vitamins everyday. I didn't fall, I wasn't in an
accident. Nothing struck my belly. There was nothing that caused this
to happen, and therefore, nothing that could have prevented it from
happening. And, if it was the cord, I wouldn't have known in time to
race to the hospital, since she often went 45 minutes without moving. I
was lucky that I escaped that source of guilt. And because I couldn't
have stopped what happened to her, I had to accept that this was the way
it was meant to be.
I got my IV put in and
they took 3 vials of blood through the IV. The nurse asked me if I knew
what or how to explain this to my daughter. I wasn't sure. Our dog
had died 8 months earlier, and we just explained to her that "The dog
died", so she had been exposed to the idea of death before, and that was
probably how we would handle it again. She was not quite 2 1/2, and
she didn't need a big explanation. The nurse told me that she would
search for an age appropriate book to help us in explaining it to
Whitney. They found one a while later, called, "We Were Going to Have a
Baby, But We Had an Angel Instead".
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We had my dad take Whitney to get her
dinner and play with her. Then it was time. My grandmother gave me a
kiss on my head, wished me luck, and waited in my room. They took Andy
to get him scrubbed up and dressed while I went into the OR, climbed up
on the table, and had the anesthesiologist prep my spinal. My triage
nurse came in, along with my future evening nurse. I leaned forward,
hugging my nurse while they gave me a few shots of novocaine in the
small of my back, then they threaded the catheter for the spinal. Last
time, my mom was the person I hugged during the procedure (as my husband
is squeamish around needles). It was a little scarier, not having the
security blanket of my mother, but I kept telling myself..."Jenny, you
are a 33 year old woman. You should be okay having procedures and a
surgery by yourself." It wasn't fun, but it wasn't that bad either. I
had remembered from last time that after 12 hours of back labor, I
didn't care how much it hurt...I was ready for the epidural. This time,
not being in labor, I was a bit more nervous, a bit less ready, and
definitely less happy, but it was fine. They numbed me plenty. First I
felt warm and then I started to tingle from my toes up to my chest,
almost as high as my underarms. Andy came back into the OR with me, and
held my hand as the doctor and nurses pricked me all over to make sure
that I was sufficiently numb, inserted a catheter, and then they started
to cut.
Andy and I looked at each other,
somewhat in shock, and just tried to remain calm. I was pulled and
tugged, and they told me when she was out, warned Andy not to look to
his right, and took her away. I wasn't pregnant anymore. I wasn't a
new mother either. I felt deflated. My doctor then cleaned everything
out, and did a lot of pulling and tugging. As he was sewing everything
back up, he used a laser to cauterize some of the blood vessels. The
smell made Andy almost faint, and he had to be escorted out of the OR
with smelling salts. A few minutes later he came back in, they finished
sewing me up, and wheeled me back to the room. My grandmother left as
soon as she saw that I made it through. I said goodbye to my triage
nurse, and an hour later, Andy left to go pick Whitney up and bring her
back home to go to sleep. Again, I was alone. And now being alone felt
really alone...I had been sharing my body with someone for 30 weeks, so
prior to that evening, when I was alone, I still had company. Not
anymore. I was truly all by myself and empty.
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